About me

About Me

My name is khoyleang. I was born in the Sandan district of Kampongthom\ province. I continued to live there for many years, before moving to the city of Siem Reap in 2002.

I have been formally learning English for 3 years now with the help of a language teacher from the UK. I wanted to learn to speak, read and write English fluently so that I can communicate and do business with people from other countries. Prior to that, I learnt English through casual interactions with tourists.

I live with my wife and son, who is now almost two years old. I enjoy spending time with my family on the farm the most. I am a hard worker and often work late so I really value the time I get to spend with them.

I started my Car business in 2008, and have been a Car driver since then. I enjoy meeting people and taking them to see the beautiful sites of my home country. I love Angkor Wat the most, and frequently recommend Angkor Wat, Tonle Sap (floating village), the war museum and pub street to my customers.

If I could wish for anything, I would wish for my family to enjoy each and every day of our lives together, and for my Car  business to do well.

In 10 years time, I hope to live in my own house with my family.

Khoyleang ~ March 2009


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